This example describes a work with title 'Amores Perros' which has been expressed as a motion picture. One manifestation of that motion picture is a DVD.
@prefix frbr: <> .
@prefix rbib: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
a frbr:Work;
dc:title "Amores Perros"@es ;
dc:title "Love's a Bitch"@en ;
frbr:subject <#Global_Cities> ;
frbr:subject <#Mexico_City> ;
frbr:realization <#amores-perros> ;
rbib:comment "Set in Mexico City."@en ;
rbib:comment "Shows the complexities of global city life."@en .
a rbib:MotionPicture ;
dc:creator "Alejandro González Iñárritu" ;
frbr:embodiment <#amores-perros-dvd> .
a rbib:DVD ;
dc:date "2000" .